Central disease control: The proportion of XBB and its sub branches has increased to 92.4%, and the epidemic is showing a downward trend
Central disease control: The proportion of XBB and its sub branches has increased to 92.4%, and the epidemic is showing a downward trend
Central disease control: The proportion of XBB and its sub branches has increased to 92.4%, and the epidemic is showing a downward trend
Central disease control: The proportion of XBB and its sub branches has increased to 92.4%, and the epidemic is showing a downward trend
China News 2023-06-12
Medium disease control: 164 new death cases of COVID-19 were reported in May, and the proportion of XBB and its sub branches gradually increased
Medium disease control: 164 new death cases of COVID-19 were reported in May, and the proportion of XBB and its sub branches gradually increased
Medium disease control: 164 new death cases of COVID-19 were reported in May, and the proportion of XBB and its sub branches gradually increased
Medium disease control: 164 new death cases of COVID-19 were reported in May, and the proportion of XBB and its sub branches gradually increased
China News 2023-06-12
Multiple cases of XBB.1.16 virus have been detected in China, and infected individuals have developed new symptoms - conjunctivitis!
Multiple cases of XBB.1.16 virus have been detected in China, and infected individuals have developed new symptoms - conjunctivitis!
Multiple cases of XBB.1.16 virus have been detected in China, and infected individuals have developed new symptoms - conjunctivitis!
Multiple cases of XBB.1.16 virus have been detected in China, and infected individuals have developed new symptoms - conjunctivitis!
China News 2023-04-23
Will XBB.1.16 be detected for the first time in domestic domestic cases, causing a new epidemic?
China News 04-19 09:38
China News 04-18 10:53
China News 02-18 14:52
Experts expect that XBB.1.5 will not cause a big wave in the mainland recently
Experts expect that XBB.1.5 will not cause a big wave in the mainland recently
Experts expect that XBB.1.5 will not cause a big wave in the mainland recently
Experts expect that XBB.1.5 will not cause a big wave in the mainland recently
China News 2023-02-18
First local detection, expert: XBB.1.5 will not cause large-scale transmission in China in the short term
China News 01-29 10:46
XBB.1.5 will cause a new round of infection peak? Expert explanation
Discover XBB again! Will it trigger a new wave of infection? Expert response
If XBB comes, avoid these time nodes, or it can save lives!
If XBB comes, avoid these time nodes, or it can save lives!
If XBB comes, avoid these time nodes, or it can save lives!
If XBB comes, avoid these time nodes, or it can save lives!
China News 2023-01-15
5 minutes to understand the past and present life of XBB strain
5 minutes to understand the past and present life of XBB strain
5 minutes to understand the past and present life of XBB strain
5 minutes to understand the past and present life of XBB strain
China News 2023-01-14
China Center for Disease Control and Prevention: 16 local cases of XBB have been detected, which will not cause local large-scale epidemic at this stage
16 cases have been found! China National Disease Control Center reported the local cases of XBB!
Burst! 16 cases of XBB have been found in China! CDC emergency response!
When will I be infected with XBB strain again? Understand a picture
China News 01-09 10:04
Experts from China Center for Disease Control and Prevention explain XBB strain and respond to the five major concerns of the public
Experts from China Center for Disease Control and Prevention explain XBB strain and respond to the five major concerns of the public
Experts from China Center for Disease Control and Prevention explain XBB strain and respond to the five major concerns of the public
Experts from China Center for Disease Control and Prevention explain XBB strain and respond to the five major concerns of the public
China News 2023-01-09

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