2023-12-04 23:17:47

Huancha was fined 450,000 yuan for false advertise

Original title: Xiliang was fined 450,000 yuan for "suspected of false publicity"!

Huancha was fined 450,000 yuan for false advertisements

· Daily Headline ·

01, Xiccha was fined 450,000 yuan for "suspected of false publicity"

12 According to the news on the 31st, the Shanghai Baoshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued an administrative penalty decision to determine that there is a false publicity to make false propaganda on goods or services, deception and misleading consumers, and fined 450,000 yuan. Essence

Administrative penalty decision shows that on June 2, 2021, the Baoshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau reported that the parties Shanghai Xichuangyu Catering Management Co., Ltd. Luxiang Road Store released about fresh fruit products such as bayberry and other fresh fruit products. The content of the advertisement is suspected of false publicity.

In accordance with Article 55 of the "Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China", "If you violate the provisions of this Law and publish false advertisements, the market supervision and management department shall order to stop publishing advertisements. If the fines of more than three times and five times, if the advertising costs cannot be calculated or significantly low, a fine of more than 200,000 yuan or less; if there are more than three illegal acts or other serious circumstances within two years If the fines of more than five times more than ten times, if the advertising cost cannot be calculated or significantly low, a fine of one million yuan and more than two million yuan can be revoked, The provisions of not accepting its advertising censorship during the year ", in addition to ordering the parties to stop publish illegal advertisements immediately, eliminate the impact within the corresponding range, decided to punish the parties as follows: a fine of RMB 10,000 (450,000.00 yuan).

02, byte beating 1 million yuan in registered capital of a new technology company in Hainan

December 31 news, Tianyan check information shows that on December 29 The establishment of the company, Wang Fengkun, the legal representative, has a registered capital of 1 million yuan. The business scope includes corporate management consulting; technical services, technical development, technical consulting, technical exchanges, technical transfer, technical promotion; software development, etc. Shareholders' information shows that the company is wholly -owned by Beijing Bit Broken Network Technology Co., Ltd.

03. Tong Haitong International: The size of the community e -commerce market in 2022 may exceed 500 billion

December 31 news, a few days ago, Haitong International released a report that in 2021, the community e -commerce market The scale is expected to exceed 300 billion yuan. Looking forward to 2022, the size of the community e -commerce market may exceed 500 billion, and short -term competition transitions to medium and long -term competition. The report believes that players who open up the "upward upward" and "logistics side downward" bilateral logistics will obtain the maximum synergy effect, and the dishes are expected to rely on the digital operating capabilities of the front -end retail small shop, as well as the back -end Ali ecological "N disk plate "Goods" have a huge potential.

Huancha was fined 450,000 yuan for false advertisements