2023-11-28 22:10:05

Aunt Goose Legs burst into fire revealed

Beijing Daily Client reporter Wang Qipeng Bearded Zhang Yue

In the past few days, the news of the three major universities of the Qingbei people struggle with the "Goose Leg Aunt". Many netizens are curious, "Where is the sacred"? How delicious is the grilled goose leg? Is the scene so hot? On the evening of November 27, the reporter came outside the gate of Peking University. As soon as the car of the "Goose Leg Aunt" arrived, the crowd immediately surrounded several floors, and it was not easy to squeeze in. "Aunt Goose Legs" was busy distributing next to the car. In just over 20 minutes, 200 goose legs were empty. The husband of "Goose Legs" revealed to reporters the process of making goose legs and the road of explosion.

Aunt Goose Legs burst into fire revealed