2023-11-28 22:01:34

Guangzhou determines the price of property managem

Recently, the Guangzhou Development and Reform Commission, the Guangzhou Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau, and the Guangzhou Market Supervision Bureau issued the "Notice on Further Regulating Relevant Issues on Further Regulating the Municipal Housing Property Service Tolls". The "Notice" proposes that property services are divided into: first, second, third, fourth and fifth level, and the first level is the highest level. Houses with elevators, first, second, third, fourth, fourth -level service charges corresponding to the charging standard of 2.8 yuan/square meter, 2.32 yuan/square meter, 1.85 yuan/square meter, 1.38 yuan/square meter, 0.9 0.9 Yuan/square meter; residential no elevator, first, second, third, fourth, fourth -level service charges corresponding to the charging standard of 1.9 yuan/square meter, 1.57 yuan/square meter, 1.25 yuan/square meter, 0.93 yuan /Square meter, 0.6 yuan/square meter.