2023-11-27 16:07:56

In 2023, the old palace ticket was sold for sale,

Original title: The annual ticket for the Palace Museum in 2023, each priced at 300 yuan

(Global Travel News, December 2, 2022) Points, the annual annual tickets for the Palace Museum in 2023 were officially launched. According to the official website of the Palace Museum, the annual annual ticket of 2023 was released from December 1st to December 31st, 2022. The annual ticket is valid from January 1 to December 2023 31st. The price is still 300 yuan, each can be entered 10 times, and does not include the clock hall and the treasure hall.

In 2023, the old palace ticket was sold for sale, 300 yuan per number, exploring the unlimited charm of history

It is worth noting that this year's Forbidden City's open requirements for implementing the "limited, appointment, peak peak" to ensure the safety of the audience and provide better visit services. Since 2023, 1 From the 1st on the 1st, the annual ticket visits must be registered through the WeChat Mini Program of the "Palace Museum" at least one day in advance.

The annual ticket of the Palace Museum was issued on October 21, 2014. This year's votes are to achieve a current -limiting goal and provide better services. The crowds, namely the elderly 60 and above, the students of junior, middle school and elementary school (excluding adult education, graduate students), and those who hold the city's social security fund collection certificate. The audience can visit the Palace Museum 10 times (excluding special halls) in the Palace Museum within one year (natural year), and annual tickets cannot be used during the "11th" Golden Week.