2023-11-25 19:25:42

160,000 colorful gift storm: Mens travel reflectio

Original title: Men's resignation trip due to Gao Cai Li resigns: Rather than go out to see

Guo Xiao (pseudonym), he has already accepted 188,000 colorful gifts. This price is basically the price in the hometown. But near the marriage, my girlfriend said that she wanted 30,000 hardware. "I really have no money, very depressed." For a long time, he decided to escape.

One day in May, he called his girlfriend to break up, and the other party agreed, and his attitude was extremely calm. Prior to this, he borrowed 20,000 yuan in order to make a gift. After his parents planned to wait for him to get married, he helped him pay the down payment of the house, and he repaid his own loan.

He suddenly felt a little tired, "The world is so big, I want to see it, I owe a debt to get married, and I have no chance to go out in this life."

June 1, June 1, June 1, Guo Xiao set off on his back bag. In 5 months, he walked more than 40 cities and spent more than 30,000.

Today, the enthusiasm of travel has gradually dispersed. He can't find the reason for persistence. He lying in the room in Lhasa to organize his thoughts. "Maybe I should go home and return to my parents."

160,000 colorful gift storm: Men's travel reflection after being forced to withdraw from marriage for high color gifts

Guo Xiao traveled in Lhasa. Figure/Interviewee provides

below is a dialogue with Guo Xiao.

1 The parents are urged to marry, and the blind date knows his girlfriend

Jiupai News: When will you start preparing to get married?

Guo Xiao: I am 35 years old this year. In fact, I have never had this idea before, nor did I say how busy the work is, or I feel that a person is very good. After 30 years of age, I realized that I was going to get married. In addition, my parents were anxious, and I always felt sorry for my parents. After all, I raised me for a lifetime, and I didn't even get married.

Jiupai News: What do parents say?

Guo Xiao: Parents are very direct to get married, and they call "I was mad me" "You dragged us down" "You were joked by outsiders" ...

I generally listen to it In order to deal with it, and have been on a blind date.