2023-11-21 21:11:49

Nanjing canceled the highest price limit for 9 hou

According to the Nanjing City Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Jiangsu Province, recently, Nanjing issued the announcement of the listing transfer transfer of state -owned construction land in Nanjing (No. 16 and 17 in 2023) The plot, including 9 commercial residential land, mixed land for commercial, and one of the land for refueling and refueling stations. The total price of nine commercial residential land is 5507 billion yuan, and the announcement land will start online at 9:30 am on November 25.

The bidding rules of this batch have been adjusted. According to the regulations, at the deadline of the listing time, no one registered the land and the landmark was bid; only one bidder registered for the land, and there were valid quotations that were not lower than the starting price. Two or more bidders are bidding for the same block, and those with the highest bidding are bidders.

与以往出让地块相比,地块出让要求删去了“当地块竞价达到最高限价时,仍有两家或两家以上单位有竞买意向的,停止竞价,改为 The on -site shaking number determines the winner, and all bidders who receive the highest price can participate in the lottery.

This also means that Nanjing also follows up the cancellation of the soil and the price is limited.

Including Nanjing, recently the soil auction rules of at least 6 hot cities such as Jinan, Hefei, Xiamen, Chengdu, Qingdao, etc. have been adjusted. The price is high.

From the perspective of the location of the plot, the nine commercial residential land launched this time is located in Jianye District (1), Qixia District (1), Liuhe District (3), Qinhuai District (1), and Lishui. District (3).

Among the 9 commercial residential land, the highest total price of the NO.2023G77 plot, namely south of Huijing North Road, south of Huijing North Road, and west of Xiangtian Road in the south of Qinhuai District. The land to Xiangtian Road in the east, Huixiu Road in the south, special streets to the west, and north to Huijing North Road. The nature of the planned land is R2 two types of residential land, with a transfer area of 26127.42 square meters, a plot ratio of 1.0 far≤2.4, the building height ≤60 meters, and the starting price of the land listing is 1.98 billion yuan.

No.2023G70 plot is south of Shiqiao Waterway, Jiangxinzhou Street, Jianye District, east of Xiankun Road. The blocks are in the east of Yongding Waterway, the south of Hongxing Street, the planned Xiankun Road in the west, and the Shiqiao Waterway in the north. The nature of the planned land is R2 two types of residential land, with a transfer area of 20097.18 square meters, a plot ratio of 1.0 far≤1.5, and the building height ≤35 meters. The starting price of the plot was 920 million yuan.

No.2023G71 plot is the west of Qishou South Road, Qiqiaoqiao Street, Qixia District and north of Yaohong Road. In the east of the plot, Qi Shounan Road, the south of the planning Yaohong Road, the current situation in the west, and the state -owned land in the north. The nature of the planned land is R2 two types of residential land, with a transfer area of 21853.77 square meters, a plot ratio of 1.0far ≤ 1.8, and the building height ≤35 meters. The starting price of the plot was 610 million yuan.

Prior to this, the seven batches of Nanjing City were listed on October 27. Except for the highest price limit of the G55 Green Expo plot in central Hexi, all the rest were sold at the reserve price, with a total transaction price of 14.66 billion yuan.