2023-11-19 14:51:43

Buy 15 pieces a day, spend 100,000 a year! A man i

Buy 15 pieces a day, spend 100,000 a year! A man in Shanghai was obsessed with scraping after falling in love, and it was even more painful ...

On November 17, the man bought Zhang Dingyu to scrape the topic of 1 million and rushed to the hot search, making many netizens envy.

Buy 15 pieces a day, spend 100,000 a year! A man in Shanghai was obsessed with scraping after falling in love, and it was even more painful ...

However, another news on the hot search is more surprising that the man is obsessed with scratching and buying 15 pieces in one year

Buy 15 pieces a day, spend 100,000 a year! A man in Shanghai was obsessed with scraping after falling in love, and it was even more painful ...

Spending 100,000 yuan to buy scraping music within one year, trying to reconcile with scraping music, but only pain and confusion brought.

Recently, a man in Shanghai shared his experience of buying and scraping, which aroused the attention of netizens.

Buy 15 pieces a day, spend 100,000 a year! A man in Shanghai was obsessed with scraping after falling in love, and it was even more painful ...

The client Xiaosi (pseudonym) is 25 years old and graduated from college for 2 years. He is currently a programmer who works in Shanghai.

Xiaosi said, at first I just bought a few entertainment, until a year ago to break up with my girlfriend, and the huge pressure of work made myself urgently need a release of an release. With a kind of one of others, why I can't get the idea gradually addictive.