2023-10-20 18:20:31

Women were deprived of land compensation in the vi

The woman's marriage was canceled without the right to divide the land; recently, Zhang Yaping, a woman Zhang Yaping, Zhengzhou, Henan, was deprived of the villagers after marriage. For compensation, she filed a lawsuit twice, asking the village organization to issue more than 400,000 yuan in corresponding compensation funds. It is understood that the villagers' meeting said, "As long as the girls need to marry, they will not enjoy any treatment in the village." Girls' families can recruit a son -in -law and only admit to recruit one. If you do not enjoy any treatment in the village. "The above resolution was written into the" Conference Record "on the same day and implemented as the village regulations. According to the resolution of the meeting, Zhang Yaping had married Husband is also the second -door son -in -law in the family, so it is impossible to enjoy any treatment in the village, including no right to allocate the remaining land in the village, nor can it get the land acquisition compensation in the village

Women were deprived of land compensation in the village after marriage, causing controversy

Zhang Yaping subsequently filed a lawsuit twice, but the court rejected the prosecution in the first instance of "the use and distribution plan of land acquisition compensation fees, which belongs to the category of villagers' autonomy." After the first and second trials were defeated, she filed a retrial in April this year. At present, the re -trial application has been accepted by Henan High Court. Isn't it outrageous that the mother opens the door and gets home? Is this not to marry women to get married? Because it belongs to its own rights and interests after marriage, isn't that nonsense? While advocating early marriage and early childbearing, while depriving women of women, then who is willing to get married

Women were deprived of land compensation in the village after marriage, causing controversy

Is it a heavy woman? I wonder if there are still shame in the world? Isn't this clear that it is a bandit and robber thinking? Is the marriage of a marriage as a goal of being able to plunder and occupy money and land? It is too ridiculous

Women were deprived of land compensation in the village after marriage, causing controversy