2023-10-20 16:15:11

After the woman gets married, the village votes in

Because the village was requisitioned at the village -level reserved land, she lost her deserved 120,100 yuan land collection. Although she met with her husband in the local area, she had not moved out for more than half a year and still lived in her parents' house. Zhou Yu was shocked by this. She believes, "Why must you get married?" She felt that she was not respected because she was a woman. However, she found that if women are unmarried, they can get their rights and interests. Once they get married, they will face more categories. In the street, she met the aunts who were also defined as "marrying women" in the village. The aunts told her that the staff had used dialects, "Do you want to be shameless when you marry a girl?" This sentence stabbed her.

Zhou Yu posted on the Internet for help. During the right of rights, the staff said on the phone, "Who told you to give birth to a daughter?" Now, the emotion of her brain is angry. She decided to take the legal channel to get rid of the identity of "marrying a girl" and safeguard her rights. In the gap between work and parenting, Zhou Yu began to learn law. At 9 o'clock every night, after coaxing the child, she turned on the phone and searched for "marrying girls" on all the platforms she could think of. When she sees those victory judgments, she will copy the useful laws that are useful to herself, and sort it into a document like a treasure.

However, the Organization Law of the Villagers 'Committee has given villagers' great space for autonomy, and it has also become the reason why many local courts choose not to accept cases. In the days of waiting for the verdict, she couldn't hold back and wrote to the judge, "This vote (a marriage woman) represents not 120,000, nor is everyone divided into thousands of dollars, but my entire life ... "But in the morning a few days later, she received a judgment and lost the case. The judgment believes that she has not been fixed in the village.

Nevertheless, Zhou Yu chose to appeal. This is the first time she has resisting the unfair as a woman in her life. When she was waiting for the second trial, she learned more about her knowledge. Other elders in the village became a lawsuit, and she would help them write a complaint. In the second trial, she didn't even ask a lawyer. However, she lost again. The worse thing happened. The second time she went to court to the only interpretation of the only female distribution back to the village, and her relatives misunderstood that she didn't want other "only women" to share money.

Why do you have changed dramatically for nearly two decades? At present, no law has defined the qualifications of members of rural collective economic organizations. Most of the time, the court's judgment is in a gray area that can win or win. Changing this situation requires policy support, clear stipulation of laws and regulations, and changes in public concepts. Zhou Yu is applying for a retrial of the provincial high court. If she is not accepted, she will continue to appeal to the Supreme Court. She firmly believes that as long as she persists, she will eventually change the status quo.

After the woman gets married, the village votes in the village to deprive land compensation for land acquisition compensation After the woman gets married, the village votes in the village to deprive land compensation for land acquisition compensation After the woman gets married, the village votes in the village to deprive land compensation for land acquisition compensation