2023-06-20 15:53:02

A man was blocked by herders in Xinjiang four time

[P] . Original title: Men were blocked by herdsmen in Xinjiang four times and demanded money? Local: Investigation and evidence collection have been conducted and will be dealt with in accordance with the law A man was blocked by herders in Xinjiang four times and demanded money? Local: Investigation and evidence collection have been conducted and will be dealt with in accordance with the law Report on the issue of online transmission of road blocking fees for herdsmen On June 20th at 10:55, netizen "Mr. Peng, a truck driver," posted on Weibo that the issue of "men being blocked by local herdsmen for money four times when going to Xinjiang" was highly valued by Mulei County. They immediately organized a joint investigation team consisting of public security, transportation, forestry and grass departments to conduct a joint investigation into the issue of netizen reflection in Dalangsha. At present, the public security organs of Mulei County are conducting further inspections and have lawfully summoned, investigated, and collected evidence from the herdsmen who block and collect fees. They will be dealt with in accordance with the law and regulations. After verification, this section belongs to the pastoral road and is only used by herdsmen for grazing. According to the provisions of the Grassland Law, drivers and passengers should consciously protect the herdsmen's grasslands and not make any detours due to avoiding toll stations or other reasons. Mulei County Transportation Bureau June 20, 2023 [P]