2023-06-08 20:09:02

Here comes the magic weapon for filling out colleg

[P] . Original title: Here comes the magic weapon for filling out college entrance examination applications! The "AI Selection" mini program is online!

As the saying goes, "Seven point exam, three point report." The college entrance examination is just a warm-up competition, and voluntary application is the final. The score of the college entrance examination can only determine the threshold for a candidate to enter which universities, while voluntary application can affect a person's future development path. However, candidates often spend three years preparing for the college entrance examination, but only three days filling out their application. They have no idea about their major course direction or employment prospects, and can only "muddle through" their "life events" in the end.

How can one master the complex information of volunteer application in a short period of time and choose a major that not only meets one's score range, but also suits one's interests and talents? Professional matters are entrusted to professional personnel, and "AI Zhixuan" provides you with one click application for college entrance examination, AI artificial intelligence.

[P]< Img src=“ https://img.shuziqushi.com/uploadwww/20230608/1686226164-2913.png-ys Here comes the magic weapon for filling out college entrance examination applications! The "AI Selection" mini program is online!