2023-06-08 20:08:01

The Examination Yuan of Jiangxi Education announce

[P] . On June 8th, an online video reported that a student in Jiangxi was 37 minutes late and still able to enter the exam room. The relevant situation is hereby reported as follows: On the morning of the 8th, due to the rainstorm, Tu XX, a candidate at the examination site of Hongdu Middle School in Nanchang, was trapped on the elevated road. At 9:22, the candidate ran to the entrance of the examination site and asked Jiangxi Travelers'information station and the traffic police command center for emergency help. The traffic police command center reported the situation to the joint headquarters of Nanchang Education Examination Yuan for College Entrance Examination, and Nanchang Education Examination Yuan reported it to Jiangxi Education Examination Yuan. According to the relevant spirit of "Natural disasters and non-human factors affect the examination" in the Implementation Rules of Jiangxi Province for 2023 Ordinary College Entrance Examination, the Examination Yuan of Jiangxi Education has agreed to allow the candidate to enter the examination room for examination. At 9:37, the candidate entered the exam. The Hongdu Middle School examination center has activated a backup examination room for the candidate to take separate exams. Jiangxi Provincial Education Examination Yuan June 8, 2023