2023-06-08 17:41:33

Nanjing University Student Murder Case: Suspects i

[P] . On June 7, a video of a male student killed in Zijin College of Nanjing University of Science and Technology attracted netizens' attention. The video shows that the location of the accident is suspected to be downstairs in the university dormitory, and there are obvious blood stains on the ground and a man's body. The man was then transferred to a stretcher car by ambulance personnel for medical treatment. A female netizen wrote that her younger brother was killed in school recently, but the specific reason is still unknown, and said that they were from Chongqing, and that her younger brother was killed in the school while studying in Zijin College of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. The reporter of Legal Daily learned that the place where the case happened was in Zijin College of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. After the incident, the school quickly alerted the police, and the emergency department was also in place at the first time. At present, the basic situation of the case has been preliminarily identified. The suspect classmate of the murdered student department harbored dissatisfaction and retaliation due to daily life incidents in the dormitory. At the time of the incident, the victim was stabbed to death by the suspect in the dormitory with a sharp weapon. The suspect is currently under criminal detention. Nanjing University Student Murder Case: Suspects in Criminal Detention Image source: Video screenshot Previously reported: On June 7, a netizen wrote that his brother was a student of Zijin College of Nanjing University of Science and Technology and was killed in his dormitory. This incident occurred on June 5th, and the boys' dormitory is located in the northwest direction of the school. Jiupai News saw on site that there is a closed iron gate in the courtyard of the student dormitory, and information needs to be verified before entering. A warning sign saying "Girls stop" is posted at the entrance of the male dormitory. On the evening of the 7th, students from the school gradually walked towards the cafeteria. On the football field opposite the dormitory, there were students playing football and running. The students were unwilling to discuss this matter further, and many expressed 'not very familiar'. At around 7 pm, a female teacher appeared outside the dormitory area. She claimed to be the dormitory teacher and only entered the dormitory area after registering. A staff member in the dormitory area said that after learning about this matter, she sighed, "Don't think it's not easy to raise parents, how hard it was to go to high school in those years." Nanjing University Student Murder Case: Suspects in Criminal Detention Image source outside the dormitory where the incident occurred: Wang Jiaqing from Jiupai News A witness stated that on the day of the incident, he saw an ambulance passing by, with a student covered in a cloth. He heard that the injured student attempted suicide and was later sent to the hospital for rescue. According to the information on the school's official website, Zijin College of Nanjing University of Science and Technology is now an independent college at the undergraduate level, which is jointly organized by Nanjing University of Science and Technology and social forces. The school currently has 32 undergraduate majors with over 10000 students. Related report link: A college student dormitory in Nanjing was killed, and Nine Facts News conducted a live investigation at the scene of the crime Source: Comprehensive Legal Daily, Jiupai News