2023-06-06 15:23:17

Yayas latest video exposure: Grab bamboo and start

[P] . Have you ever thought about how you would eat bamboo if you were a panda? Recently, a video of us Yaya has attracted widespread attention. Yaya grabs bamboo and starts eating it, making the clicking sound that makes people want to give it a try. Today we will take a look at this interesting event.

Yaya's latest video exposure: Grab bamboo and start gnawing

Pandas feed mainly on bamboo, and Yaya is a panda. She not only uses bamboo to block rainwater, but also grabs bamboo and eats it directly. In this video, Yaya not only treats bamboo as a delicacy, but also eats it very patiently, biting and stopping, with every bite being very attentive. And Yaya not only likes to eat bamboo, but also likes to chew bamboo poles, which reminds us of the saying: pandas not only eat bamboo, but also like to chew bamboo poles.

Yaya's latest video exposure: Grab bamboo and start gnawing

According to experts, pandas choose tender bamboo when eating bamboo, while Yaya is different. She likes to eat old bamboo, which makes it taste more delicious. And the teeth of pandas are very sharp, each tooth is like a small knife, which can easily bite bamboo, which is also why pandas can eat so much bamboo.

Yaya's latest video exposure: Grab bamboo and start gnawing

Do you think what would happen if humans also ate bamboo like pandas? Welcome to leave a message in the comments section and share your thoughts. If you find Yaya's video very interesting, remember to like it. Finally, let's experience the wonderful clicking sound together: bite, chew, it's really fun!