2023-03-21 16:30:20

A man in Jiangxi raped a 13-year-old girl and caus

September 8th, Shangrao, Jiangxi. Ms. Zhuang disclosed to the reporter. On the evening of September 2, my 13-year-old daughter went to a classmate's house to play. On her way home, she was followed by a strange man, dragged into the grass, killed, and insulted. It was not until the next morning that the body was found.

The place where the girl's body was found is only two to three hundred meters from Ms. Zhuang's home. Ms. Zhuang never imagined that her daughter would have such a thing happen under her own nose.

After that, the police quickly dispatched and arrested the 24 year old suspect Guan Mou in the afternoon of the same day.

Ms. Zhuang said bitterly, "He is also a native, but we don't know him at all, and he has no grievances or enmities. Demons! How dare you have the heart to do it!"

"She is only 13 years old, not yet 14 years old, and still so young." Ms. Zhuang said that when school started in September this year, her daughter had just entered the second grade of junior high school, and only two days into school, she encountered misfortune.

What shocked Ms. Zhuang even more was that her daughter might not be the first "target" of the murderer.

"After my daughter's accident, I heard two women both say that this man was crouching around there, and they both met, but ran away because there was no accident and there was no police call. However, my daughter is too young to be his opponent at all."

On September 9, the local police issued a notice saying that the incident happened at about 22:00 on September 2, when the suspect officer met Zhuang on his bike, he had a bad idea, raped Zhuang and killed him.

At present, the suspect officer XX has been given criminal detention, and the case is under further investigation.

A man in Jiangxi raped a 13-year-old girl and caused her death. The crime occurred only a few hundred meters from the girl's home

Upon seeing such reports, many netizens said that the murderer must be severely punished. To die happily is to be kind to him, so how to suffer!

Some netizens believe that seeing this case has strengthened my determination to send my daughter to learn Sanda, which is the first time I have been so determined since the Tangshan beating incident.

It's really a demon on earth. The girl is only 13 years old, so how can Guan XX handle it. This is already a very bad criminal act, and Guan XX will definitely be severely punished by the law.

A man in Jiangxi raped a 13-year-old girl and caused her death. The crime occurred only a few hundred meters from the girl's home

From a legal perspective, what penalties will be imposed on the behavior of Guan XX?

1. There are slight differences between Ms. Zhuang's oral statement and the results of the police investigation.

Ms. Zhuang claimed that her daughter had been dragged into the grass and killed, and that Guan had insulted the body. "So, there are two crimes involved in Guan Mou, namely, the crime of intentional homicide and the crime of insulting the corpse, which can be punished for several crimes.".

Among them, the crime of intentional homicide can be sentenced to death, life imprisonment, or fixed-term imprisonment of more than 10 years according to the Criminal Law; If the circumstances are relatively minor, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.

In this case, Guan killed someone for the purpose of adultery, which belongs to a flagrant plot; And the victim is a minor, which is also an aggravating circumstance for sentencing. Therefore, the crime of intentional homicide committed by Guan is not in line with the lighter circumstances.

At the same time, if a certain official commits adultery on a corpse, he may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or public surveillance in accordance with Article 302 of the Criminal Law.

A man in Jiangxi raped a 13-year-old girl and caused her death. The crime occurred only a few hundred meters from the girl's home

2. The police issued a notice saying that Guan raped the girl and caused her death.

In other words, Guanmou raped the girl first, causing her death later. "Then, Guan is also involved in two types of crimes, namely, rape and intentional homicide, which can also be punished for several crimes.".

As the girl is under the age of 14, she belongs to a young girl. According to the Criminal Law, anyone who rapes a young girl under the age of 14 shall be considered as rape and given a heavier punishment.

"If an officer forcibly drags a girl to the grass to commit adultery, the circumstances are flagrant and can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment, or death.".

It can be seen from this that compared to the content dictated by Ms. Zhuang, the investigation results reported by the police will impose a heavier conviction on Guan.

However, in either case, depending on the crime committed by Guan, there is a high probability that he will be sentenced to death.

A man in Jiangxi raped a 13-year-old girl and caused her death. The crime occurred only a few hundred meters from the girl's home

3. The rape and murder of a girl by Guan is essentially a form of infringement. In addition to assuming criminal responsibility, he also bears tort liability and compensates for the losses of the victims' families.

Article 179 of the Civil Code stipulates that if the death of another person is caused, compensation for funeral expenses and death compensation shall be made.

The funeral expenses shall be calculated based on the total amount of six months according to the local average monthly salary standard for employees in the previous year.

The death compensation shall be calculated based on the per capita disposable income of urban residents or the per capita net income of rural residents in the previous year, and shall be calculated on a 20-year basis.

4. The girl was in the middle of her youth and ignorance, but she suffered this terrible disaster. How sad their families are that they have lost their children ever since.

I hope the police can handle it as soon as possible, severely punish the devil, and give justice to the girl's family.

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