2023-03-20 21:18:20

Tongbao: The company is implementing the AI video

Every time through AI Express, investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: Does Tongbao have AI related businesses?

On March 20th, Tongbao (301339. SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company is implementing the AI video analysis cloud control platform project and the construction of charging robots and other projects. The AI video analysis cloud control platform project uses artificial intelligence technologies such as deep learning and machine vision to carry out data mining work such as event monitoring and accident analysis, promote the digitization of infrastructure, and achieve the sharing and utilization of video resources; The highway toll robot independently developed by the company integrates functions such as self-service payment, electronic invoice push, and special audio and video intercom, which greatly improves the user experience while meeting the requirements of fast and accurate charging. For more business information, please refer to the company's announcement.

(Reporter Yao Xiangyun)

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