2023-02-01 08:02:00

Parents help their children catch seagulls and for

According to the Dahe News Henan video report, on January 31, at the Haigeng Dam in Kunming, Yunnan Province, a pair of parents helped their children catch seagulls and even tried to put them into bottles to take away, causing widespread concern.

"Let it go, let it go!" According to the video, a little boy grabbed the seagull and forced it into the bottle. His parents also helped him. After being repeatedly dissuaded by the people around him, he gave up.

Parents help their children catch seagulls and force them into bottles. The security company: We have no right to enforce the law and can only dissuade them

Parents help their children catch seagulls and force them into bottles. The security company: We have no right to enforce the law and can only dissuade them

"The seagull's wings were stuck in the mouth of the bottle, and the child's mother also helped him push the wings inward." An eyewitness said that the little boy caught a seagull and stuffed it into the finished popcorn bottle. "We and the security guard stopped drinking in time. After the security guard left, the child caught it several times, but failed.".

According to the time video message, the staff of Haigeng Dam Security Company responded, "We have received a complaint call, but we have no right to enforce the law and can only dissuade at most."

It is understood that in 2019, a man in Sichuan was fined 2000 yuan by the police for taking photos of seagulls in Dianchi Lake.

Parents help their children catch seagulls and force them into bottles. The security company: We have no right to enforce the law and can only dissuade them

In response, netizens said, "Children have problems, but parents have greater responsibilities!" "Too much!" "We strongly recommend that we increase the punishment for this behavior!"

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive River News Henan video, time video, netizen comments]