2023-01-31 09:32:01

Bosonaro, former President of Brazil, asked to sta

Bosonaro, former President of Brazil, asked to stay longer at the home of American friends

Former Brazilian President Bosonaro is currently staying at his friend Jos é Aldo's home in Orlando, USA. According to a friend of the former boxer, Bosonaro asked his friend to extend his stay for about one month after staying in the United States for nearly one month, until after the carnival.

This house is located in a closed community near Disney Park. It has eight bedrooms and is rented on an online platform. The rent starts at $519 per day (about R $2600, excluding taxes). The former boxer supported Bosonaro in the 2022 election and currently lends the house to Bosonaro.

Folha reported last week that Bosonaro was studying how to stay in the United States for a longer period of time and might maintain his life in the United States by giving a speech to entrepreneurs because of the fear that the Brazilian judiciary would take legal measures against him.

At the beginning of this week, the reporter of the page newspaper stayed in the community in Kishimee for three days to observe the movement outside the former president's home. Bosonaro said from the first day that he would not answer the questions of the page newspaper reporters.

Although there is a fence outside the house that prohibits vehicles from entering, pedestrians can get close to it, which makes supporters constantly move around the door. Because there is no fence between the houses in the community, there is almost no privacy. Occasionally, people can even ring the doorbell of the former president when the security guard is absent. On Monday (23rd), the reporter of the page newspaper knocked on the door. The owner installed a curtain in the swimming pool area behind the house. The curtains of the house are closed during the day. At night, you can see some lights. On Monday and Tuesday, the TV in the living room is playing football games.

Bosonaro went to the United States before the end of his term on December 30, breaking the tradition of handing over the presidential ribbon to his successor. Since then, the former president's work and rest have hardly changed.

At first, hundreds of Brazilians came to the door of the house because of curiosity and ample year-end holiday time. Bosonaro came out almost every hour to greet his supporters from all over the country.

Since he was still in office, the Secret Service agents of the United States strengthened security, and the security vehicles inside the apartment also helped maintain order.

A few weeks later, the flow of people has slowed down, but Bosonaro still appears twice a day in the morning and evening to greet the supporters who came to the house, take photos with them and sign their names.

In the days when the reporter of the newspaper was present, there were about ten people in each group.

The situation of supporters varies. A retired couple from Minas Gerais, who lives on the coast of Florida, said that they drove about three hours this week to take photos with their idols after the crowd reduced.

Another family from Nantahe State is on vacation in the United States, returning from Atlanta to Miami and preparing to fly back to Brazil, but they decided to change their route and meet with the former president. They are unwilling to accept the interview of the newspaper.

Bosonaro only talked briefly with his supporters, rarely appeared in public, and only occasionally went to the market or snack bar. The community staff said that they had never seen him in the nearby restaurant or gym.

However, the supporters organized a party between the Brazilian community and Bosonaro on the social network that will be held next Tuesday (31st). The price of ordinary tickets is $10, and the price of VIP tickets is $50.

The former President's wife Michel Bosonaro returned to Brazil on the evening of Thursday (26th). The Metr ó poles portal published the photos of the former first lady at the Brasilia airport. She arrived accompanied by a friend and makeup artist Agustin Fernandez.

During her stay in Orlando, she met with friends, attended a church activity on Sunday (22nd), and visited Disney Park with her daughters.

The owner of the house, Jos é Ardo, once said that he lent his house to the former president as a business strategy in order to make the rental business more prosperous. "Now there are always many people on this street, and I have received too many requests to rent a house. Everyone wants to see him, whether left or right. I want to put up a sign there to write that the President of Brazil has been here. Everyone wants to live in the house where the President lived."

There were also some protests in the area. On Sunday (22nd), a group of Brazilian left-wingers named "Defend Brazilian Democracy" drove a truck with anti-Bosonaro slogans on the streets of Orlando. This car drove past places that Brazilians often go to, such as a supermarket and a church presided over by Andre é Valad ã o, the priest of Bosonaro.

Others put up banners in front of the former president's house to protest. Jo ã o Celles, one of the organizers of the action, said: "The international media's report on Bosonaro here is extremely negative, which makes us Brazilians feel embarrassed."

It is not clear whether Bosonaro will shorten his trip due to health problems. He was hospitalized with intestinal obstruction at the beginning of the month and said he would return to Brazil ahead of schedule.

This week, his doctor Antonio Macedo said that Bosonaro would have to undergo new surgery after returning home.

Another factor that may hinder Bosonaro's American plan is the legality of his residence. American leftist politicians have been calling for his expulsion from the United States.

The Biden government said that it could not comment on specific visa cases because it was confidential information. However, it is also confirmed that those who enter the country with the diplomatic visa of the head of state and end their term of office in the United States must apply for a change of visa within 30 days, otherwise they may be deported.

Alexandre Piquet, a lawyer who works in immigration and handles Brazilian affairs in Florida, said that he did not know the specific situation of Bosonaro, but he pointed out that the head of state needs to submit an application for identity change, and whether the application is approved or not is not entirely due to technical reasons, and political pressure may also be the decisive factor.

He believes that Bosonaro has many choices in visa issues, such as tourist visa, work visa or so-called "special skills" visa for people who have outstanding performance in different professional fields. However, if his idea is to make a living by speaking in the United States, he is not allowed to provide paid services with a tourist visa.

Compile: Cao

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