2023-01-25 16:22:01

Russian media claimed that Putins "mobilizati

Russian media claimed that Putin's

It is reported that on the 21st, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a "partial mobilization order" through a national speech, which called for the emergency recruitment of reservists. The Ministry of Defense subsequently announced that the number of conscriptions was 300000, and the mobilization order would not involve college students, and conscripts would not be sent to the front line. Although the Russian media broadcast the grand occasion of people from all over the country rushing to the conscription office to sign up actively the next day, many media also reported some scenes of qualified young people who "do not want to go to the front line" resisting military service; It is said that after the release of the mobilization order, the price of air tickets to Moscow and other cities around the world soared 5-10 times, and many people chose to go abroad to avoid conscription.

Russian media claimed that Putin's

On the same day, the European section of the Russian opposition media "Xinbao" exposed a piece of news, which aggravated the public's anxiety. The news said that one of the mobilization orders belongs to Article 7 of "confidential documents", which can only be seen by official insiders; It is this "blocked" bill that marks the specific number of people to be mobilized, not the 300000 people that Shaogu said, but "up to 1 million". The report also said firmly that they learned from the channel that the number had been changed several times before it became the current one million people. For this reason, they also specifically verified the administrative agencies and department officials who received the presidential decree. They all said they did not know and "have no comment".

Russian media claimed that Putin's

On the 22nd, the Russian Kremlin responded to the news. Spokesperson Peskov told reporters that the widely rumored news of "1 million conscription" was purely a lie, but he refused to disclose more information and did not "clarify" his attitude made the outside world feel strange. Previously, he told reporters that Minister Shaoigu had said "300000 people", so it would not be easy to reach the goal of only talking about 300000 people; However, he could not disclose the information about Article 7 and did not intend to make any further explanation. Peskov's remarks made the Russian media more "convinced" that the hidden secret clause refers to the actual number of conscriptions, which is likely to be more than the figure published by Shaogu.

Russian media claimed that Putin's

Some analysts believe that the number of people mobilized by the Russian side may be private, but it will never reach the number of "1 million", or even exceed 500000. There are three reasons. First, there are still a large number of Russian troops on the Ukrainian battlefield, and there are also reserve forces on the Russian mainland. The purpose of this mobilization is not to engage in full combat, so there is no need to recruit so many soldiers; The second is that the goal of the Russian army is only to "liberate Dunbas" and defend the occupied territories. It is not yet time to start a full-scale war, let alone use so many troops; The third is that the logistics and equipment of the Russian army are difficult to arm so many soldiers. If 1 million people are mobilized, the total number of Russian troops will exceed 2 million, and the wartime material consumption and military expenditure will be astronomical.

Russian media claimed that Putin's

In addition, the Russian media disclosed this time is the opposition and the target is the western countries. The credibility of the information source of the quoted confidential content is unknown, so it remains to be seen. It is also worth mentioning that the Russian side has focused on the field of special arms, technicians and drivers, such as having combat experience, being able to carry out military tasks, tank men and so on, which also shows that the loss of these positions in the front line of the Russian army is high and faces a big gap. At present, the states of the Russian Federation are still stepping up the recruitment of contract soldiers, which is different from the widely rumored foreign media that the Russian side wants to use contract soldiers as "cannon fodder". There are front-line military personnel who explain that the recruits who lack basic training and combat skills in various countries are usually recruited separately, and they need experienced soldiers and their "mixed combat" to play their combat effectiveness. Those rumors are not true.