2023-01-24 18:02:01

The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took th

As soon as we saw the news of nucleic acid recovery, various comments began

The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 1 It is said that "Jiangxi is great! Go back!" There is also [P] that says "Zhang Shanshan will never stop". Even more, they began to curse "poverty is not unreasonable" If you look at the news carefully, you will find that this is not a way back.

It is

[P] with a path to follow. What is the first news about the epidemic during this period?

It's the Spring Festival Gala without masks

The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article image 2 Everyone should understand what signals are released by not wearing a mask on this occasion. It is unnecessary to worry about "going back" there However, the release of CDC was very interesting The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow article picture 3 There is no mask on the Spring Festival Gala. The next morning, CDC followed a news that masks must be worn in crowded places Then, the CDC went against the trend and released a very frightening news The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 4 How many people's lives will end in less than a week?

Why should CDC release these eye-catching news against the trend of "quiet time"?

Because the second wave after the Spring Festival is close to

Previous experts have estimated that the second wave will occur in May and June, and the proportion can reach 50. That is to say, among the people who have been infected before, 50 will need another wave The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 5 However, it should be noted that the second infection rate of the second wave in May and June can reach 50 It only refers to the existing virus strain The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 6 It does not include a number of mutants [P] that are coveted overseas after opening up the country. Because of the different versions of these mutants in China, there is basically no data The following figure shows the sequencing of overseas strains The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 7 At present, overseas, mainly in the United States, the most popular strain is xbb1.5, while domestic strains are only ba5 (south) and bf7 (north) So the next comparison will be that the first wave (the virus strains already exist in China) was the opening of the 8th National Gate, the second wave (the virus strains in cities with airports are estimated to have begun to lurk), and the third wave (mixed up) was the return home visit during the Spring Festival This is the third wave. At the peak after the Spring Festival, a large number of people infected with BA. 5.2 and BF. 7 are actually recovering, so this time point is very critical We need to know XBB.1.5's ability to break through infection The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 8 If XBB.1.5 can break through the antibody line just infected with BF. 7 and induce the second round of infection, the first and second waves of epidemic will continue to overlap during or after the Spring Festival.

If it can't break through so quickly, it should be from March to May, after the first absolute peak, which is the growth space of XBB. 1.5.

As for how high its infectivity will be, there is no data available for reference.

Therefore, Jiangxi nucleic acid is a very responsible practice, which can provide very powerful data and take timely preventive measures.

Single-tube nucleic acid can help to find problems in time and ensure that the new mutant virus does not break through the line of defense of infected people

The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 9 This is a bottom-up of "Class B and B management", not a regression Someone said before that the virus is always too tired to transmit The peaceful day is over! Jiangxi Province took the lead and announced to carry out nucleic acid detection for all staff the day after tomorrow Article picture 10 The human immune system will also be tired. When it can't work, the virus is still in its prime, and there are no more children and grandchildren of the virus. Without people, there will be no more So it is very important to find out You should dig deep holes, accumulate grain widely and get ready.

Now the game is far from over, even the half-time break has not come. It is just the time to replenish water. It has never been said that Class B and B pipes are not important. Don't be careless!