2022-11-28 18:22:01

In Xinjiang, the strongest cold wave and snowstorm

Since November 25, the strongest cold wave since the beginning of winter has affected Xinjiang. Blizzards have occurred in Ili Prefecture, Tacheng Prefecture, Altay Prefecture and other places in northern Xinjiang. At the same time, some herdsmen in the northern Xinjiang suffered from loss of connectivity and cattle and sheep.

In Xinjiang, the strongest cold wave and snowstorm since this winter have affected herdsmen, cattle and sheep

In some parts of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, the snow depth reaches 20cm. Many herdsmen and more than 800 sheep in Jialang Axi Village, Khorgos City, Xinjiang were trapped in a grazing spot by heavy snow. The temperature dropped to below - 20 ℃, threatening the safety of people and animals. After receiving the alarm from herdsmen, the local border police station rushed to the scene to help herdsmen transfer their flocks to a safe area.

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Edited by: Emily

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