2022-11-28 16:12:00

Irans President Is Angry, Irans "Warriors&quo

Former title: Iran's president is angry, Iran's "Warriors" World Cup refuses to sing the national anthem, or will expel the national team

In the two matches of the World Cup, the Iranian team sang the national anthem before the match. All the 11 starters in Iran were solemn and closed mouthed, and none of them sang the national anthem. When they return home, they will be punished by their national football association or will not be eligible for the World Cup in the future.

Iranian players refused to sing the national anthem

What the hell is going on? Why did the players perform like this in the most proud part of singing the national anthem?

It is an honor for a country to participate in the World Cup, and it is also an honor for all the football players in this country. All the players in this national team are even more proud of their country. Originally, it was a very proud thing to sing the national anthem before the start of the game, but the Iranian players kept their mouths shut when facing the camera in two games, publicly refused to sing the national anthem, and their expressions were very serious and dignified.

This made the Iranian government very angry, and felt that these players were challenging the government's bottom line, which was a violation of national honor. After returning to China, they may face the risk of being removed from the national team, because this kind of thing has precedent and has happened before.

In this way, Iranian players protest against the oppression of women's freedom by Iran. In Iran, no matter what the weather is, you have to cover your neck. Wearing long clothes and trousers must be below your knees and wrapped tightly. Previously, when watching the game, some female fans in Iran were arrested without wearing their headscarves properly and were eventually killed. Some fans were beaten to death by the police. Iranian players should oppose such behavior of the Iranian government in this way. Not only Iranian players, but also an Iranian female fan with blood and tears on his face. The No. 22 jersey with a famous name is also used in this way to support and protest for domestic women.

In fact, there are many such things in Iran, because they were not properly dressed and beaten to death by the police, which has aroused the anger of the Iranian people. Many people marched in the streets, and celebrities from various sports circles and cultural circles in their country supported the protest.

Before the World Cup, President Lesi of Iran met with the team. At that time, the team did not clearly express its support for the protesters. But this time, these players proved their good intentions with their practical actions on the field. They are real warriors, who dare to face a bleak life and have blood dripping.

Although they knew that the situation of returning home after the World Cup would be very pessimistic and even very sad, they did it without hesitation and let the whole world know it, which is really worthy of respect.

However, some people say that since they represent the country to participate in the competition, they should face up to the honor and sing the national anthem. They should solve their own country's problems after returning to the country. They should not solve them on this occasion. What do you think about this matter?