2022-11-27 20:36:01

Naixues tea replacement LOGO: remove Japanese elem

Original title: Naixue's Tea Replacement LOGO: Remove Japanese Elements

For the popular content "Naixue's Tea Change Logo: Remove Japanese Elements", I have collected relevant articles for you. Come and have a look.

1. "Naixue's Tea" for LOGO: Change China-Chic's "NAYUKI" to "NAIXUE"

Recently, the tea brand "Naixue Tea" has quietly changed the LOGO of a series of brands, including changing the Chinese signboard from "Naixue tea" to "Naixue tea", changing the alphabetic signboard from "NAYUKI" to "NAIXUE" in Japanese, and adjusting the font lines to be more straight. In this regard, Naixue's tea official response is Red Star Capital...

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2. The logo of Naixue's tea was changed: the Japanese element "NAYUKI" was changed to "NAIXUE"

DoNews, November 27 (Ding Fan) A few days ago, the tea brand "Naixue's Tea" quietly changed the logo of a series of brands recently, including changing the Chinese signboard from "Naixue's Tea" to "Naixue's Tea", changing the lettered signboard from Japanese "NAYUKI" to pinyin "NAIXUE", and adjusting the font lines...

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3. The logo of Naixue's tea is changed from NAYUKI to NAIXUE

[Liu Sijia, Financial Center of Globegroup] According to the interface news, recently, a small red book user in Nanning, Guangxi, posted that the original NAYUKI signboard of the local Naixue New Store was changed to pinyin NAIXUE, and the font was also changed to a more straight line version. In this regard, Naixue's official customer service said that the brand is gradually advancing...

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