2022-10-02 18:52:01

One year old cute baby mistakenly sprinkles water

One year old cute baby mistakenly sprinkles water discoloring powder and gets purple all over her mother: after soaking in the bathroom for a day, it fades One year old cute baby mistakenly sprinkles water discoloring powder and gets purple all over her mother: she faded after soaking in the bath

[One year old cute baby mistakenly sprinkles water discoloring powder and gets purple all over her mother: she faded after soaking in the bath] # One year old cute baby mistakenly sprinkles water discoloring powder and gets purple all over her body # September 30, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang. One year old cute baby mistakenly sprinkles the water discoloring powder and gets purple all over. Ms. Li, the child's mother, said that the child's grandmother was a doctor of Chinese medicine. There were many medicines at home. The child found a bottle of medicine from the box that day, unscrewed it, and spilled it all over the body and on the floor. When the grandmother was not at home, he and his grandfather directly took the child to the bathroom to wash it. They did not know that the medicine would turn purple when it met water. As a result, the more it was washed, the more purple the child was, the more purple the child was, and his hands and himself were also purple. Ms. Li said that the next day, she took her children to the bathroom for a whole day, and the color had almost faded.