2024-06-11 20:32:19

Chen Xiaojuanswas accused of 嬲 嬲 嬲 陈 February 29th

Chen Xiaojuan, director of the

Chen Xiaojuan's script was accused of

Among them, Chen Xiaojuan's third essay is most important. In the case of no public involved objects, companies and film and television works, it is mentioned that after the Golden Awards were won in 2019 , Invited by a young advertising director as the first director of the drama as an editorial post. Chen Xiaojuan was attracted by the subject matter and led the team to invest a lot of time to handle the role and plot logic. The director said that the first 10 episodes needed the first 10 episodes to obtain the production fee from the investors, so Chen Xiaojuan during the pregnancy at that time, and the screenwriter team checked the work with the screenwriter team to complete the 10 episodes of the drama, and explained that the details of the "fake manuscripts" were not perfect for details. The director extracted the cost of the early production of the film.

Chen Xiaojuan's script was accused of

Chen Xiaojuan said that after the director obtained the production fee, he suddenly held a meeting on the "fake manuscript", and the pages were critical to refer to the content "garbage", which made her "to the contraction" at the time, and pointed to the screenwriter team. The director was opposed and then left the team. Unexpectedly, after leaving the team, Chen Xiaojuan said that the crew conducted a survey in her name, and proposed to the producer to eliminate herself from the staff list, and only received the first and second payments. Chen Xiaojuan concluded that many preliminary drafts were used after the drama was broadcast. The audience responded very well, but because the incident brought a negative experience, he had not written scripts for other production since then.

Chen Xiaojuan's script was accused of


Chen Xiaojuan's short article came out, and once directed the episode of Viu TV "February February "The director of the 2nd", Luo Jiajun, published a long article on the same social platform the next day, responding to Chen Xiaojuan's article in the air, and restoring his heart journey in order. Luo Jiajun stated in the article that in response to the broadcast schedule of the TV station, the drama formed a screenwriter team in March 2019. The two screenwriters led by Chen Xiaojuan were written at the end of June and early July. The production team of the drama also started construction and preparations in early August, and pointed out that the script still has vulnerabilities and can only work according to the sub -field.

Chen Xiaojuan's script was accused of

Luo Jiajun pointed out that at the end of August, he received Chen Xiaojuan's first five episodes of the drama. The other party said that the manuscript was for obtaining the production cost and did not need to read it carefully. On the same day, the producer said that under the current budget, the number of actors in sub -field was too much. Many, I hope the screenwriter deletes the characters. Due to the pressing time, Luo Jiajun held a meeting in early September to discuss the story, hoping to improve the script on the "fake manuscript" with reference value, indicating that there is something wrong with the details of the script and logic in the meeting, but emphasized that " There is no "script garbage" and other remarks.

According to Luo Jiajun, Chen Xiaojuan proposed to resign due to information the next day due to information, and handed over the trial of the team member Yellow. Payment, so he hoped to retain the title of the compilation, Chen Xiaojuan did not have any objections at the time. As of mid -September, Luo Jiajun received Chen Xiaojuan's email, saying that he learned that the production team was still in the survey of the scene in his name. Luo Jiajun said that because Chen Xiaojuan agreed to maintain the compilation title, he did not change and was confused. But Luo Jiajun also pointed out that the team has not used any letter with Chen Xiaojuan's title since then. By the end of September, Luo Jiajun asked Chen Xiaojuan's intention to retain his title through information. After Chen Xiaojuan confirmed that he had no intention of retention, Luo said that "February 9th" removed Chen Xiaojuan's title from all the staff list.

Finally, Luo Jiajun also clarified in Changwen. After Chen Xiaojuan resigned in September 2019, he also contacted the two for the two. He was surprised by Chen Xiaojuan's disclosed personal experience after five years. Apologize. Luo Jiajun bluntly said that he had decided not to receive it at the beginning of the filming of "February Two", so after the funds were put into production, he had no intention of making money from the screenwriter's salary. In the article, Luo Jiajun bluntly said that "someone adds the incident with salt and vinegar" and "said that I only want to pay one or two money", and the response incident also did not want the outside world to guess.

For Chen Xiaojuan and Luo Jiajun, they published their personal views on the early stage of the "February 9th" drama production. Leave a message, each has its own attitudes and disputes between the two parties. In addition to the discussion of the audience and netizens, there are also people in the film and television industry to pay attention to the message, including Zhu Fengxian, director of the movie "One Way".