2024-06-11 18:39:15

Wen Xueer announced that she was a grandmother and

Congratulations Wen Xueer, 64, has two daughters with the surname of Li. Jennifer, a daughter of the eldest daughter, has been married as a mother, Jennifer.

Wen Xueer announced that she was a grandmother and a daughter Yuan Cui for two years.

Wen Xueer announced that she was a grandmother and a daughter Yuan Cui for two years.

Wen Xueer announced that she was a grandmother and a daughter Yuan Cui for two years.

Wen Xue'er's careful daughter Yuan Cui became his wife in October 2021, pregnant soon after marriage, the son gave birth to his son in early 23 years, and gave birth to his son. After Jensen, it turned out to be successful. In May 24th, a pregnant belly photo and ultrasonic photo were posted. At that time, it was 33 weeks of pregnancy. On the Dragon Boat Festival on June 10th, Wen Xueer posted BB photos to announce the good news: "Auntie uncle, I am full! My piano day has gathered out and eats it! I wish you all the Dragon Boat Festival savage" Viewing, separated the glass mother -in -law and smiled.

Wen Xueer announced that she was a grandmother and a daughter Yuan Cui for two years.

Yuan Cui also uploaded the BB phase on IG Story: "Welcomes to the world baby full﹗ Mom dad wants you to be healthy, peaceful, happy, and love with your brother, love with your brother, I love you so much "