2024-06-11 15:33:30

Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience:

Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience: the four men's stubborn canal dumped

Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience: the four men's stubborn canal dumped

The theme of the fifteenth episode broadcast on last night (10th) is "Exorcism", inviting representatives of Chinese and Western ghosts, Chen Li, a long time and Lin Lin Sharing Rev. Rev.. As a Christian pastor, Lin Yinuo believes that "ghosts" are not changed from people, and there are methods to distinguish between authentic angels: "Before exorbing ghosts, we must judge that the angel of the ghost is the angel, the spiritual world, the spiritual world, the spiritual world "There are cases of deception." Talking about the process of exorcism, Rev. Lin admitted that he had to interview for the "suspected of being attached to the ghost" to determine whether the other party was mental problem, illness, drug influence, or was really possessed by ghosts.

Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience: the four men's stubborn canal dumped

Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience: the four men's stubborn canal dumped


Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience: the four men's stubborn canal dumped

Lin Yino shared the shocking exorcist experience: the four men's stubborn canal dumped

When it comes to exorcism experience, although Rev. Lin has repeatedly emphasized that it is not dramatic, the details are still quite shocking: "The case is a girl who is about 90 pounds, The four male babies (brothers) of me (brothers) were dumped; the canal can jump to twelve or three feet high, and then it can be like animals, and they will change their louds. It will vomit and color. "Rev. Lin continued to point out that" hatred "would attract the devil:" This case drives well, she has sex with sexual assault, sexual assault can be sexually assaulted. My loved ones are full of hatred, but when a person is full of hate, it is easy to stay in it. Learning to lower a hate, after all, it has been sexually assaulted. The fire gourd and the legendary peach sword. Chen Daochang explained that in fact, they are mainly exorcism and killing ghosts: "The sword is used to cut the ghosts, and I do n’t kill a ghost. If someone is a ghost, I do n’t talk to the ghost first. In the end, I will use this (Tao Mujian) to write a spell on the canal, and then cut a few scare ghosts and will get out of the ghost. It will increase positive energy magnetic fields through practicing, food symbols and scriptures to enhance the mana. The production team also seized the relevant fragments of the Chinese and Western exorcments for the audience and netizens.

The most "scary" of the show last night was the spiritual fragments of the audience provided by Changzhou. The clips saw that a white object of white like a ghost fire continued to run around in front of the camera. According to Sihao and guest analysis, everyone believes that the film has taken a translucent suspected spiritual body. The relevant spiritual body walks around with white paper to cause the illusion of "white ghost fire". Both Rev. Lin and Chen Daochang pointed out that if the film has not been done by any hands and feet, the audience is very likely to shoot the spirit body.

When it comes to the suspected shooting, Sihao also shared a spiritual incident encountered when filming a show in Taiwan: "Once I went to the Chinese theater in Taoyuan, Taiwan, I went to the stairs with a photographer. I suddenly felt that the camera was walking away, and a photographer seemed to have a lot of words. I took the second time to take a picture of a child. " The spiritual experience, finally relied on a "amulet" to successfully relieve the crisis.

As for the 16th episode broadcast tonight, it is absolutely not to be missed. The production team invited Deng Haoguang, who has been in the 1990s, and has been sharing the spiritual experience for more than 20 years. The "Thailand" Roger (Hu Huichong), who speaks wonderfully and has seen herself, appeared to share the Thai ghost.