2024-05-28 23:25:35

Li Yiqiao was bitten until he was seriously injure

"Niu Zi Mei" Li Yiqiao posted on the social platform earlier saying that her dog "Whiskey" was encountered in trouble. During the dog, a large villain suddenly rushed out and bit the whiskey to the large intestine. And a large amount of bleeding requires medical ICU. Li Yiqiao's post today (28th) stated that it was very angry because the owner of the evil dog refused to be responsible for the cost of the surgery (10-50,000), and she decided to take legal actions to recover all the losses.

Li Yiqiao was bitten until he was seriously injured on the same day and was about 9 weeks of pregnancy. The fetus had no heartbeat

It turned out that Li Yiqiao had to stay with the doctor ICU in addition to the biting the dog. I confirmed that I was about 9 weeks of pregnancy and I was waiting for WHISKEY during the hospital to find a large amount of secretions flowing out of the lower body. I felt severe pain in my abdomen, so I immediately sent a photo to the doctor. The doctor arranged to check the next morning. The other half didn't want me to worry about my safety, so I proposed to the other party not to contact me actively, and he was negotiating. Li Yiqiao was bitten until he was seriously injured on the same day and was about 9 weeks of pregnancy. The fetus had no heartbeat

Li Yiqiao still worked hard to take care of the dog under the face of a double blow. She also had an appointment with the other party to discuss compensation: "During the process, the other party said that there was a funeral in the family. My child has just gone. Nonally, nothing means to avoid responsibility. "She also said that fortunately, her fiance has been with her:" Fortunately, my fiance has been supporting me around Live for my miracle. "