2024-04-18 18:25:09

Li Lizhen Yang Yumei and the former Hong Kong sist

Li Lizhen, 58, attended a birthday party a few days ago. He was in the same field as Yang Yumei and another frozen -year -old Hong Kong sister. Essence

Li Lizhen Yang Yumei and the former Hong Kong sister in the same frame zero wrinkle polar frozen age daughter devoted to the design of the design unintentionally to enter the industry

Li Lizhen Yang Yumei and the former Hong Kong sister in the same frame zero wrinkle polar frozen age daughter devoted to the design of the design unintentionally to enter the industry

Li Lizhen Yang Yumei and the former Hong Kong sister in the same frame zero wrinkle polar frozen age daughter devoted to the design of the design unintentionally to enter the industry

Yang Yumei has previously uploaded a senior production planner and a scholar Yuan Hai (formerly known as Ye Mingde) of Mrs. Yuan Hai (formerly known as Ye Mingde) on IG. He also encountered two frozen goddess Li Lizhen and the ladies of the Hong Kong sister Zhou Meifeng. Zhou Meifeng, known as "Zhou Dong", participated in the Hong Kong sister in 1986, and then filmed the ATV drama and host show. Essence

Li Lizhen Yang Yumei and the former Hong Kong sister in the same frame zero wrinkle polar frozen age daughter devoted to the design of the design unintentionally to enter the industry

Zhou Meifeng got married in 1991. After the marriage, he had a pair of daughter Cai Xinyu and Cai Zhuoheng. Think Mommy Zhou Meifeng. Cai Xinzheng smiled evenly that there were people who often recognized it, and even her father called her to be a mum.