2024-04-12 16:57:26

Kwun Tong Qiaoming Street was looking for more tha

At 1:20 pm today (12th), the police reported that they were robbed by the thief to find a change shop at 106 Qiaoming Street Kwun Tong, and lost about 200,000 yuan. A large number of military uniform police officers and plainclothes agents took the report to arrive at the scene and were chasing the thief. The case was followed up by the Guantang Police District Case.

There are closed -circuit TVs to shoot a picture of suspected thieves. A man wore a gray peak hat, mask and glasses, dressed in dark shirts, and hung on his chest. He stood in front of the shop counter and doubted his right hand into the bag. On the scene, a customer was redeeming money at the time of the incident. During this time, the thieves who fucking Cantonese were suspected of gun -shaped objects and said to the people in the store, "robbing, all corporate loudness, no good signs." After Yuan and about 170,000 Hong Kong dollars, they fled along Qiaoming Street to Kowloon Bay. Police officers at the scene checked the closed -circuit TV clips, and the banknotes in the store were scattered.

Kwun Tong Qiaoming Street was looking for more than 170,000 yuan to find a change store.

Kwun Tong Qiaoming Street was looking for more than 170,000 yuan to find a change store.