2024-02-13 13:09:24

The dying black picture of Central Wolf 客 客 客 中 中

Central has the black rampant of "crickets", and the informed "Yangwei" has long been "Yangwei" overseas. However, there is another segment circulating on the Internet. The black driver suspected that while the Lunar New Year holiday was suspected to be a taxi at the taxi cable car station at the Central Garden Road Station, he charged high -profile fares from mainland guests who intend to go to the top of the mountain. The price was 480 yuan. 5 times. After the exposure of the clip, many netizens criticized the driver's practice and bluntly stated that "La Ni La!", "Ban Hei seemed to be a genuine card", and some netizens who claimed to be a taxi driver criticized, "The black dots, the police basically basically I know, but never go to the canal! ".

Social platform "Little Red Book" and Facebook groups circulating a segment of about 14 seconds, the location is the offering of the Shizhisuke of the Central Garden Cable Car Station. At the beginning of the clip, a female tourist who believed in the Mainland wanted to ride to the top of the mountain, and then asked the price of a taxi driver, but she asked the dissatisfaction and doubts behind her, refused to get on the bus, turned around and walked back to the pedestrian road, and moved to The peers said that they needed to pay 480 yuan, during which someone responded: "I don't play with people." At this time, the filmmaker criticized the taxi as a "black car" and shot a taxi license plate. Up to the top of the mountain.

The dying black picture of Central Wolf 客 客 客 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 : : : : : : 攞 咁 咁 咁 咁 咁

The dying black picture of Central Wolf 客 客 客 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 : : : : : : 攞 咁 咁 咁 咁 咁

After the clip was exposed, many netizens criticized the driver's practice and bluntly stated that "La Ni La!", "Ban Hei seemed to be a genuine card", "The bead of rule of law, this is the case, the blessing and self -recruitment, there is no choice but to be helpless!",, " "Shadowing Hong Kong" also criticized the netizens who claimed to be a taxi driver who criticized, "The black dots of black, the police basically know, but never go to the canal!"

According to the information of the Transport Department, from the Central and Golden Bells to the top of the mountain, the taxi charged at a table of about 80 yuan. At the beginning of the year, the reporter used the HK TAXI app to call a car, and the estimated amount was only 61 to 110 yuan. However, the driver in the film opened the price of 480 yuan to the Mainland passenger who called the fuck, at least 3 to 5 times more expensive.

The current case involving car collection of vehicles will violate Article 47 of the "Road Transportation (Public Service Vehicle) Regulations". Once convicted, a fine of 10,000 yuan and imprisonment can be punished for 6 months. In 2015, the Legislative Council Member Yi Zhiming asked the Legislative Council in accordance with the Legislative Council. At that time, the Transport and Housing Bureau responded that the general first offenders would only be fined, and the heavy criminals would be suspended and imprisoned. The more common fines were 1,000 yuan.

According to the Legislative Council Member Yi Zhiming and Li Zhenqiang obtained some data from the Transport Bureau, 145 cases involved in the charges involved in the collection of votes from 2018 to 2022, with an average of 29 per year, of which 101 were fined. The maximum fine was 6,000 yuan; 16 were sentenced to prison, and the longest was sentenced to 4 months; 36 were suspended, and the longest period was 24 months.

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