2024-02-13 09:55:33

Kwai Chungs Anyin Village unit comes out of the sm

At 8:36 am today (13th), a fire alarm occurred in Jiayin Tower, Anyin Village, Kwai Chung, and low -rise units emerged with thick smoke, which alarmed many residents to call the police for help. The fire protection reported and the ambulance was alerting. It was reported that 20 people needed to evacuate. On the scene, it was believed that the reason for the fire was that the electrical electrical wires in the kitchen were short -circuited, causing fire, and the households were saved by themselves without the need for fire to open throat irrigation. Some residents need to be delivered to the hospital in sucking smoke discomfort. The personnel are still investigating on the spot.

Kwai Chung's Anyin Village unit comes out of the smoke and the owner of the households out of the fire out of the field