2024-02-13 09:53:24

For the first time, Guo Baiyan was in the costume,

A few days ago (9), TVB Xiaohua Guo Baiyan attended the countdown in Yau Ma Tean. She appeared in ancient costumes, and she was young and pleasant. At the age of 26, she played the role of "Chelong" as "Chelong". After the speedy, the drama is filmed. Except for the episodes, even variety shows and performances have a share, and the exposure rate is extremely high.

For the first time, Guo Baiyan was in the costume, that is, in the

Guo Baiyan said in an interview with "Hong Kong 01" and said that the costumes of the day were the costumes that Shi Shiman had worn in "Golden Branch". , She was immediately excited: "I'm so happy because of the costume, and the back tail told me about the set of" Golden Branches Desire "when I was in the array, so I felt good! I dare to be stunned, so shocking. "Because she was wearing a costume for the first time, she especially thanked a group of clothing for helping her wear. Guo Baiyan also said that this time was the first time she appeared in ancient costumes. She said that she could try to do MC this time: "Ask the master of Cheng Cheng to do this year, and be careful."

For the first time, Guo Baiyan was in the costume, that is, in the

When asked about her performance, "Determine Tips" will be broadcast. This time, she will play with Ding Zilang again in the play after "The Lower Lotter" in the play. Couples, she said that this time is different from the previous: "" Death Tips "is more tense and suspense. It is said that this time she participated in the "playing" drama for the first time, so she was very nervous. She said that although there were not as many other heroines in the play in the play, she was also very careful. There were differences in the play. The shape and elements.

For the first time, Guo Baiyan was in the costume, that is, in the

For the first time, Guo Baiyan was in the costume, that is, in the

As for Guo Baiyan, he was transferred to love Hong Jiahao earlier, she laughed and said, "In fact, I have loved it, I only like to listen to the song, but I know it in Tongqui. I am surprised to help me respond to me. I will be careful afterwards. It affected Ding Ding to help me respond, and it also affected Mr. Hong Jiahao to help me respond. I will be careful in the future. "Guo Baiyan also said carefully, for fear that Hong Jiahao would be troublesome because of this incident.

For the first time, Guo Baiyan was in the costume, that is, in the

Guo Baiyan emphasized that he did not know each other with Hong Jiahao. When asked if he would deny himself, she said, "Actually, I am so shocked to get it. The concert is smooth and smooth, and sing more good songs for everyone. "