2024-02-12 20:13:19

Yaotang Road private car crashed and scratched the

A car accident in Yau Tang (12th), the driver traces. At nearly 6 pm, a private car crashed at the junction of the opening of the oil pond and the carp doorway at Yongli Village, and disrupted about 4.5 meters long iron fence. Sources said that a man about 30 years old fled in the direction of Kwun Tong. When the police officer received the report, the driver was unknown, and the search for no results in the nearby area was suspected that the vehicle involved was a car stealing. Go to the transportation "processing, and is pursuing the whereabouts of the driver. It can be seen that the private cars involved were stopped at the bending position of the lantern mouth.

Yaotang Road private car crashed and scratched the iron bar, driver abandoned the car and fled to the police to stole the car to investigate

Yaotang Road private car crashed and scratched the iron bar, driver abandoned the car and fled to the police to stole the car to investigate