2024-02-12 15:09:06

Yu Zongyao and Chen Yides screen Douzui recognize

"Dongzhang Goddess" Chen Yide (Dede) earlier in "The Spring Festival of the Spring Festival" because of the super -star trainee Yu Zongyao of "Asia Super Star Group" because of playing games and table tennis, both Dedicated the "first kiss on the screen" and became a hot story. Yu Zongyao received a visit to Hong Kong 01 when attending the rehearsal of the float activity a few days ago (9th). Dude is a very good friend, and he will also "fight" from time to time. How will the two of them fight in the end ...

Yu Zongyao and Chen Yide's screen

a group of brothers who eat melon, one of them, one Hearing that Yu Zongyao was asked about the first kiss of the screen on the screen, the upper body of the "Curiosity Baby" was already "curious." Immediately asked, "Make a woman who is called a woman who buried?" Yu Zongyao: "The female party, I saw Qu, in fact, I spoke to me:" Hey! I am working, so that I can go Do you all? "But I actually had a hint of darkness in the heart." A group of curious brothers immediately said in unison: "Oh!"

Yu Zongyao and Chen Yide's screen

into an incarnation The reporter's Ding Zilang also immediately pursued: "I see the birthday of you, you have to go to the canal birthday party?" Yu Zongyao immediately said, "The department, the birthday party. I am good at me. "Ding Zilang, who was beside him," looked at it "and said," You are good! "Yu Zongyao said that the two were good friends. Cold the other party, and Ded came out to play table tennis with him.

Yu Zongyao and Chen Yide's screen

Yu Zongyao explained: "I do n’t reach an agreement to kiss the first time! Shunci is a ping -pong." And the first kiss on the screen was just accidental, and it was too involved and kissed. Ding Zilang quickly said, "Will you be careful afterwards?" When everyone was looking forward to his answer, Yu Zongyao, the "heart of the heart" and asked him what he was, there was no kiss afterwards.

Yu Zongyao and Chen Yide's screen

When Yu Zongyao was asked if there would be room for development afterwards, he said, "There are development, development, development comedy! I feel that I have a lot of joy. "Yu Zongyao also stated that he had only a friend with Dede, and there was no room for development. Ding Zilang explained for Yu Zongyao as his friends to see this matter: "As a friend, I think it's funny, that is, I think that the two can be good!" Yu Zongyao said immediately said Nothing, but he suddenly exploded with Dede often "Douzui"?

Yu Zongyao and Chen Yide's screen

Yu Zongyao: "Actually, I am privately tied to Douzui!" A curious brother immediately stated that it was another "Douzui" He explained that the two of them were just "fighting" in words, not another kind of Douzui they thought of kissing, and a "lip gun, tongue sword": "Just fight the lip, the tongue!" In the end, he It was also said that because they became good friends during the Asian Super Star Group, they wanted to play games together. I never thought that they both contributed to the "first kiss of the screen" and became a hot story.

Asian Super Star Group | Ding Zilang District Pophao and Huang Xingchuo were eliminated: people have seen another side that Zhang Hao has not dared to open up the Hong Kong market Yu Zongyao District Perso and threatened to go to Dingzi Langwu to cross the year. "East Zhang Goddess" Chen Yide and Yu Zongyao 啜 Ping Pong 啜 啜 「「 「「 「唔 唔 唔 唔 唔 | | | | Chen Yide play ping -pong's dizziness and loses 3 times to contribute to the first kiss of the screen?