2024-01-10 10:01:32

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor pub

Recently, a man in Hebei Wu Mou reported on the Internet in real name Zhang Motao and Li Mou's medical records of a hospital in Langfang City, which led criminals to reduce crimes.

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

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Reporter Wu also showed two medical records of the same time and the same hospital identity.

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Picture Source Network

From Wu's video information, there are indeed two medical records.

According to Wu's statement, tampering with medical records attracted the attention of relevant departments. After rectification, a hospital in Langfang City re -generated a medical record at the same time as his family and the same hospitalization.

But the truth is really like this?

The report of the doctor was reported publicly: Wu's report was not true

Just now, the reporter reported out and made a sound. , Confuse the facts.

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Source Network

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Source Network

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Source Network

Director Zhang clarified in the video:

The actual situation was, his mother Zhang was discharged on June 24, 2022, and on July 11, 2022 Someone submitted an application for modifying the medical records to the hospital, and Wu himself signed the "situation of the situation" in the "Application Form for the Information Change of the Patient". According to the relevant process, according to his mother Zhang, the medical history was modified and complied with the relevant laws and regulations. There is no act of tampering and issuing false medical records by Wu.

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

At the end of the video, Director Zhang said that Wu Mou ignored the facts of the report, which seriously damaged his personal reputation and image, causing an extremely negative impact. He He will hold Wu Mou in accordance with relevant laws and report to the police.

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Seeing this, this reporting event seems to be reversed, Director Zhang said it is the facts Is it possible to analyze with everyone.

Detailed comparison of the two medical records

Wu Mou has always said that Director Zhang and Dr. Li tampered with the medical records, which led the criminals to reduce the crime.

So how did the disease calendar tampered with and what tampering with, Wu's mother Zhang was hospitalized because of what he was hospitalized. Only by understanding these questions can we judge the authenticity.

The author turned to Wu's mother Zhang's report content on the Internet, which contains detailed information.

Below is Zhang's self -report. She encountered several knives in criminal cases and was hospitalized at the Department of Pain in Langfang People's Hospital.

Zhang said that in order to reduce the crimes for criminals, Director Zhang and Dr. Li of the Department of Pain issued a fake hospitalization medical record. The injury identification was inaccurate, and the criminals were sentenced to a felony.

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Zhang also showed the two medical records complete, as follows:

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

These two medical records are the two medical records raised by Wu in the report video, which is actually the discharge record.

The author compared the two medical records and sentences, and found that the only difference was at the beginning of the beginning of the hospital.

The discharge record on the right is written like this: "2. Because the patient was beaten to facial laceration 12 hours before admission."

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

The discharge record on the left is written like this: "2. It is because the patient was stabbed by a knife to the facial laceration before the admission was 12 hours."

Langfang involved in the medical record doctor publicly responded to: Wu reported to be false, misleading the public

Except for the different text here, other text punctuation symbols are the same.

The only text description, combined with the clarification of Director Zhang above, this text should be the origin of Zhang Mou's self -described facial laceration.

So can this different text reduce the crimes of criminals?

If the injury identification is the same, under the same conditions, the punishment may be more seriously punished.

But the key focus of the present is whether this text is tampered with by doctors, or the family members of the patients or patients apply for changes in accordance with regulations. According to Director Zhang, the patient's family applied for a change.

So if only from the existing information, Wu will have the hospital doctor who maliciously tampered with the medical records in order to reduce the crime for criminals. The author feels too subjective.

Of course, this is the personal point of view of the information generated from the information currently collected, for your reference only.

The Langfang Municipal Health and Health Commission has been involved. What is the truth?

If Wu is a rumor, it must be severely punished by the law. If Wu is reported, the relevant departments will also severely punish the doctors involved, and we will wait for the official notification.