2024-01-10 09:37:14

Johnson &amp Johnson reaches a $ 5 billion rec

Bloomberg reported on the 8th that people familiar with the matter said that Johnson & Johnson had initially agreed to pay about 700 million US dollars (about 5 billion yuan) to resolve a babies in more than 40 states in the United States. Fan's investigation.

Johnson & Johnson reaches a $ 5 billion reconciliation agreement on carcinogenic allegations

People familiar with the matter said that the reconciliation agreement will prevent Johnson & Johnson avoid potential lawsuits. These lawsuits have accused Johnson & Johnson conceal the risk of various cancers. At present, the representatives of Johnson & Johnson and the general prosecutors of the United States are still finalizing the specific terms of the agreement, but they have reached an agreement on the general total compensation amount.

Johnson & Johnson's company did not comment on this. However, Bloomberg reported that in many states in the United States, the survey on the carcinogenic powder on Johnson & Johnson's cooling powder was still underway, and these investigations "have not reached a settlement agreement."

Johnson & Johnson is the world's largest health product manufacturer, and baby cool body powder is one of its best -selling products. However, since 2014, Johnson & Johnson's infant pink powder and other products have fallen into carcinogenic storms. Some consumers have accused their babies and other talian powder products contain asbestos, causing long -term users to suffer from cancer. As early as 2016, Johnson & Johnson was sentenced to $ 72 million in family victims who died of ovarian cancer. Subsequently, in 2017, the California jury judged Johnson & Johnson to pay $ 417 million to a woman who used her cowardly powder and suffered from ovarian cancer. Since then, the courts of many American states have successively judged that Johnson & Johnson must compensate the victims, which has caused the number of claims to increase. Bloomberg reports that Johnson & Johnson is currently facing more than 50,000 lawsuits, and most of the lawsuits are women with ovarian cancer.

It is reported that since 2023, Johnson & Johnson has stopped selling baby powder with talcum powder globally, and will all use corn starch components.

However, Johnson & Johnson still denies allegations about the carcinogenic carcinogenic carcinogenic products containing talc powder, and said in a court summary that there is no real connection between epidemiological research that there is no use of cosmetics containing talc powder and ovarian cancer.

According to a survey by Reuters in 2018, Johnson & Johnson knew that its talc powder contained asbestos decades ago. The company's internal records, trial testimony, and other evidence show that at least from 1971 to the beginning of 2000, Johnson & Johnson's skid stone powder and finished noodles sometimes detect a small amount of asbestos. But this statement was denied by Johnson & Johnson.

For whether it is carcinogenic, Beijing Business Daily reported that experts said that most refreshing powder contains talc powder. Talcum powder is a mineral that is generally existed in nature. The effects of ultraviolet rays have been used for hundreds of years. Talcum powder itself is a type 2B carcinogen, but it is less toxic. Under the premise of short -term and reasonable use, the risk of carcinogenic risk is low.

Experts said that the carcinogenic is the talc powder containing asbestos. It is reported that asbestos is the component of first -class carcinogens. Natural talcum and snake -based rocks containing asbestos are buried in the ground, causing the talc powder to cross -contamination with asbestos during the mining process. The reason why talc powder is considered to be carcinogenic is mainly related to asbestos, because its fiber is easily inhaled by the human body. If it is exposed for a long time, it is very harmful to lung health, and its incubation period is very long, up to ten years, and will increase over time. Risk of cancer. Not only that, but also a variety of other tumor risks, such as ovarian cancer, pleural cancer, and laryngeal cancer.

According to the preliminary reference of carcinogenic lists published by the World Health Organization International Cancer Research Agency, asbestos, in the list of carcinogens, industrial talc powder containing asbestos ingredients is clearly prohibited for cosmetics production.

Text | Reporter Cold