2024-01-09 15:20:52

Japanese disaster area refuse spicy instant noodle

Japanese disaster area refuse spicy instant noodle assistance

According to statistics released by Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, the number of deaths caused by the strong earthquake in the peninsula rose to 168. Considering the priority and local situation of disaster relief, the Ishikawa County Government called on the public not to donate supplies to the disaster area by themselves. There are Japanese media and the public sorting out the "unpopular materials list" in the disaster area. In addition to Qianzhihe, condolences, and fresh food, it also includes spicy instant noodles represented by Sxy Noodles.

Japan's "Sports Weekly" recently reported that Japanese food blogger Long posted online on the Internet two days ago, specifically explaining the reasons why spicy instant noodles are not welcomed by the affected area. He said that spicy instant noodles, including cosmopolitan noodles, need to consume too much water when cooking, which is not suitable for the disaster area with tight water. Some netizens said: "In the case where even water needs to be paid, the noodles are really messy." Some people said: "Japanese people generally do not like spicy food." When there is a shortage of water, there are only spicy instant noodles on hand. People can not put spicy bags without putting it into soy sauce and seasoning. In this regard, some netizens said: "This is an important information, and it is worth learning when there is no disaster." (Li Xiao) ▲